Monday, May 20, 2013

Sport Action

Gabby spins around at the basketball court.

A white car drives by Akins High School.

Gabby runs around the basketball court.

Gabby runs toward the camera at Akins High School.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Student of the Month

1. What's your name?
2. What is your gender?
3. How old are you?
4. What is your GPA?
5. What Academy are you in?
6. What did you do to earn this?
7. Were you surprised when you received the award?
8. Did anyone help you in win this achievement?
9. Do you take Pre-Ap classes?
10. Do you do any sports?
11. What are your outside activities?
12. Does this make you feel better about yourself?
13. Does this change anything?
14. Will you celebrate?
15. Who do you think nominated you to be student of the month?
16. Do you think you deserve this award?
17.  If not, then who should've been the student of the month?
18. Do you get privileges that others don't have?
19. Do you get good grades?
20. Do you misbehave?

1. Robert Patrick Gonzales
2. Male
3. 15 year old
4. 3.1
5. AHA
6. Be based
7. Yes
8. No, I'm independent.
9. Yes
10. Basketball
11. More basketball.
12. Yes it does.
13. No
14. Im having a dinner.
15. My teacher
16. Yes i do think so.
17. Nobody, just me.
18. No
19. Sure
20. No

Monday, May 6, 2013

1. Mr. Ashlock, Mr. Girard, Lori Moya

1. What's your name?
2. Why are you providing school uniforms?
3. How is that suppose to help the students?
4. Do the students agree with having the school uniforms?
5. Whats wrong with the regular clothes they were daily?
6. Would school uniforms be a problem for parents?
7. What are the consequences of not following this policy?
8. Would there be special shoes to wear as well?
9. Did you have a uniform when you went to school?
10. What should be allowed to wear?
11. What shouldn't be allowed to wear?
12. Is there certain colors students shouldn't be allowed to wear?
13. Would there be a certain type of shirt that they're only allowed to wear?
14. Would there be a certain type of pants that are only allowed to wear?
15. Are students allowed to wear accessories with the uniforms?
16. Plain shirts or Graphic tees?
17. Is this the only school that will be including this policy?
18. Will you provide uniforms for kids unable to afford them?
19. If this doesn't work out, will you revoke the uniforms?
20. When will the policy start?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Newspaper Design Dates

Broadsheet- tall and narrow

Tablid- is short and square-ish

Folio- School name, City, State, Slogan, Website, Section name, Date, Name of newspaper

Byline- Name of the writer

Lines- separate the stories

Teasers- a preview to whats inside

Info graphic- a way to communicate information graphically or visually

Front pages of the World

  • What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? Times Herald Record because its talking about things that are interesting for me.
  • What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? Local black bear numbers calling because its about animals and i think animals are as important as humans.
  • How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? two.
  • What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc. They have a big picture that will catch the readers attention, some amount of reading with the information needed to fit the picture. 
  • What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc. Different ways they decorate the page layout, different shapes of pictures, big headlines and small headlines, and other information needed.
  • Friday, April 12, 2013

    Lenses and Photography Vocabulary

    I would use a telephoto lens to take pictures of players at  a soccer game to get a closer look of their feet movement and facial expressions.

    I would use a prime lens to shoot pictures of a volleyball game to try to get the hand movements of a player and also because the gym doesn't have a great light and the prime lens would help it out.

    I would use a wide angle lens to take pictures of dancers performing in a football field to try to get all the dancers.

    Depth of Field (shallow and wide)- The distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.
    Depth of Field relates to taking better photos because it captures the ideal of the image and only focuses on the main idea.

    Light (angle and intensity)- A source that bring the picture to life depending on where it comes from and how much there is of it.
    Light relates to taking better photos because it captures a better picture and are able to have a nice clean image.

    Shadows- Can be effectively used to focus a viewers attention.
    Shadow relates to taking better photos because it captures the main idea and covers what is unneeded and focuses on the main idea.

    Diffusion- Scattering beam of light in many directions caused by sending light through semi-translucent screen.
    Diffusion relates to taking better photos because you can cover up the flash with a thin sheet of paper and make the image better.

    Exposure- Measure amount of light allowed on each section of a photo.
    Exposure relates to taking better photos because you can make sure there is enough light let in for the image.

    Aperture (f-stop)- A space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, esp. the variable opening by which light enters a camera.
    Aperture relates to taking better photos because it captures the main idea and blurs out the background.

    Shutter speed- In photography, shutter speed is a common term used to discuss exposure time, the effective length of time a camera's shutter is open.
    Shutter speed relates to taking better photos because it captures movement like sporting events.

    ISO- ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.
    ISO relates to taking better photos because you can capture a quick picture where there isn't much light and able to freeze motion.

    Wednesday, April 10, 2013

    7 News Values

    Timeliness -APD to honor Boy Scout who came to man’s aid I think this article relates to timeliness because it recently occurred.

    Proximity – Possible shooting reported in South Austin I think this article relates to proximity because it happened in South Austin which i live in South Austin.

    Prominence – Cuba Trip by Star Pair Was Legal, Official Says i think this article relates to prominence because it has two famous people involved and people would want to know about it.

    Impact –  Nuclear Plant in Japan Has Leak in Other Tank i think its related to impact because it has been or going to be effected on the audience.

    Conflict – The Low Politics of Economic Growth i think this article relates to conflict because there is two groups that became into an argument.

    Human Interest – Do We Really Hate Anne Hathaway? i think it goes with human interest because people seem to be interested in drama which is going on in this article. article.

    Novelty – Couple’s 83 years of marriage ends with wife’s death Couple’s 83 years of marriage ends with wife’s death Couple believed to be longest-married in the  USA. Nation 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
    I think its rare to find a couple that have been together for so long so it would be related to novelty.

    Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    My Favorite Cover

    GQ, Jan. 2011: "Ryan Gosling"
    (Photograph by Mario Testino)
    Nobody embodied 2011 Leading Man more than the brash and enormously talented Ryan Gosling. In a way, we predicted his moment: Coming off a powerful performance in the indie film Blue Valentine, he had yet to fully display his range—in a comedy (Crazy, Stupid, Love), a political drama (The Ides of March), and a controversial action film (Drive) that captures the slow-boil sexiness he brings to every role. Gosling is a throwback to an old-school stardom, one that prized relaxed confidence and elegance, which is why we paired him with Mario Testino, the classiest photographer around.

    This was my favorite magazine cover because Ryan Gosling is one of my favorite actors. This picture of Ryan Gosling describes Ryan Gosling because he's always dressed nice and elegant. The picture was taken by the classiest photographer around as said in the description of the magazine cover which was a good idea to pair them up. The light looks nice, its bright enough to see the grey and the color of his eyes. Its a formal picture. 

    Monday, February 4, 2013

    Formal, Informal, Environmental

    1. NewYork- Formal
    2. Bloomberg Businessweek- Informal
    3. People- Informal
    4. People- Formal
    5. Sports Illustrated- Formal
    6. ESPN- Informal
    7. National Geographic- Formal
    8. Time Out Chicago- Formal
    9. GQ- Formal
    10. Parade- Formal
    11. GQ- Informal
    12. American Photo- Environmental
    13. People- Formal
    14. Vanity Fair- Informal
    15. National Geographic- Environmental
    16. Sports Illustrated- Informal
    17. W- Formal

    Magazine Tips

    1. Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)
    2. Worth the investment of money and time (that’s the “What’s in it for me?”)
    3. It glows in vivid colors that will inevitably turn disappointingly dull when printed in ink. A hard-copy printout may be closer.
    4. The screen is the wrong size, no matter how big it is. You can’t see it intimately as if it were in your hands.
    5. Intellectually stimulating, interesting (that’s to promise benefits

    photoshop notes

    Photoshop Notes:

    Save As
    Rename your image
    Make sure the image is saved as a .jpg at the highest (maximum) image quality

    Save- you do not have to rename the image at this point. Save often and regularly.

    Nestle- tools are stacked on each other – to access those tools you have to left click and hold.


    Command + = zoom in
    Command - = zoom out
    Command o = open
    Command c = copy
    Command v = paste
    Commend z= undo
    Command, shift, z = step backward
    Command s =save
    Command p = print
    Command l = levels

    To turn an image, go to
    Channel Blue
    Channel Green
    Channel Red
    Moved just the black and white Hershey’s kisses 

    Edited photos

    Friday, January 25, 2013

    Choice Sheet

     I want to be in Yearbook for next year because i enjoy taking pictures. I want to learn how to use the camera correctly without any help. I think its fun to take pictures because taking pictures isn't just a picture, it means more than that. A picture is a memory or art. I want to finish this class to get a cord for graduation just because i think that the more cords, the better. It'll make me feel good about myself and remind me that i accomplished something important that i can make a career out of. I learn in this class and i have fun.

    Thursday, January 10, 2013

    Caption Practice/Vocabulary

    Caption #1

    Who: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

    What: embraces

    Where: the tarmac of the Davenport Iowa Airport

    When: August 15, 2012 (Wednesday)

    Why: the Obamas have not seen each other in three weeks

    How: warmly, passionately

    Background: After seeing Michelle, President Obama tripped on the tarmac and slammed on the ground hitting his head. He was flown to the closest hospital for treatment.

    Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama passionately embrace on the tarmac of the Davenport Iowa Airport on Wednesday.

    Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) The Obamas had not seen each other for three weeks while the president campaigned across the country.

    Caption Header: Warm embrace after long campaign

    Caption #2

    Who: Psy, south Korean singer 

    What: sings, performs, hovers

    Where: arena, stadium, in central Seoul, South Korea

    When: October 2, 2012 (Tuesday)

    Why: to entertain his fans 

    How: energetically, impressively 

    Background: Psy's song "Gangam Style" has become an international hit that has earned more than a billion hits on YouTube. The video features a horse riding dance, a  cowboy hat wearing dancer in an elevator and a dance off with a guy in a yellow suit. 

    Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) South Korean pop singer Psy sings energetically in a arena in central Seoul, South Korea on Tuesday to entertain his fans.

    Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) Psy's international hit song "Gangnam Style" has earned more than a billion hits on YouTube.

    Caption Header: Psy performing his hit song.

    Caption #3

    Who: Mitt Romney

    What: competing against Obama

    Where: Van Dyck in Fairfax, Virginia  

    When: September 13, 2012

    Why: election

    How: giving speeches

    Background: Mitt Romney gives speech about how he could change the world and be a better president.

    Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) Mitt Romney gives people a speech how he can make change things people don't like.

    Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) Thinks what he's going to say to sound better than Obama.

    Caption Header: Mitt Romney gives his ideas.

    Depth of Field (shallow and wide)-the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

    Light (angle and intensity)- element that makes things visible.

    Shadows- A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rats of light and a surface.

    Diffusion- a refraction of light or an erratic display of light passing through an element (scattering.)

    Exposure- the amount of light allowed to fall on each area of a photograph.

    Aperture (f-stop)- the opening that allows light to pass through a lens and reach the camera sensor.

    Shutter speed- the length of time the shutter of the camera is open. 

    ISO- the sensitivity to light of a cameras sensor.

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013

    2012 in Review

    I thought this looked pretty cool because at the deep end its dark, and the snow looks cool.

    I like this picture because its inspiring. I think it just means to never give up even on hard situations.

     I have never seen a snow flake actually be that shape and that is why its my favorite.
    What was the best song of 2012?
    I think the best song of 2012 is We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift. I'm like in love with Taylor Swift, i like every single thing of hers so i had to choose this as my favorite. I understand Taylor what she means by this song. This song is really catchy, its not a sad sort of song, it makes you want to dance.
     What was the best movie of 2012?
    I think Breaking Dawn Part 2 was the best movie. It was exciting to watch it because everything is sort of like a twist. I couldn't wait to watch it when it came out in the theaters that i went to the midnight release. No i can't wait for the movie come out in DVD.

    What was the most important news story of 2012?
    I think the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. was important because many are suffering from their children's deaths. Its important because people should do something about strangers going into school with weapons or do something to be more protective for the children.

    Who was the most important person of 2012?
    I think Rihanna could be one of the most important persons of 2012 because she got a lot of hits on her new songs and albums. She's starting to be known more and thats important for her because she's living her dream.

    What was the biggest entertainment of 2012?
    The biggest entertainment for me was when Taylor Swift released her Red Tour dates. It was entertaining because i wanted to know when she was coming to Austin, TX. I want to go to one of her concerts because i love Taylor Swift.

    1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
     I went to california and it was a lot of fun driving around to see new places.
    2. What are your resolutions for the 2013 year?
    Work out, and be positive.
    3. What are you looking forward to in 2013?
    Taylor Swift Concert!