Thursday, January 10, 2013

Caption Practice/Vocabulary

Caption #1

Who: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

What: embraces

Where: the tarmac of the Davenport Iowa Airport

When: August 15, 2012 (Wednesday)

Why: the Obamas have not seen each other in three weeks

How: warmly, passionately

Background: After seeing Michelle, President Obama tripped on the tarmac and slammed on the ground hitting his head. He was flown to the closest hospital for treatment.

Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama passionately embrace on the tarmac of the Davenport Iowa Airport on Wednesday.

Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) The Obamas had not seen each other for three weeks while the president campaigned across the country.

Caption Header: Warm embrace after long campaign

Caption #2

Who: Psy, south Korean singer 

What: sings, performs, hovers

Where: arena, stadium, in central Seoul, South Korea

When: October 2, 2012 (Tuesday)

Why: to entertain his fans 

How: energetically, impressively 

Background: Psy's song "Gangam Style" has become an international hit that has earned more than a billion hits on YouTube. The video features a horse riding dance, a  cowboy hat wearing dancer in an elevator and a dance off with a guy in a yellow suit. 

Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) South Korean pop singer Psy sings energetically in a arena in central Seoul, South Korea on Tuesday to entertain his fans.

Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) Psy's international hit song "Gangnam Style" has earned more than a billion hits on YouTube.

Caption Header: Psy performing his hit song.

Caption #3

Who: Mitt Romney

What: competing against Obama

Where: Van Dyck in Fairfax, Virginia  

When: September 13, 2012

Why: election

How: giving speeches

Background: Mitt Romney gives speech about how he could change the world and be a better president.

Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) Mitt Romney gives people a speech how he can make change things people don't like.

Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) Thinks what he's going to say to sound better than Obama.

Caption Header: Mitt Romney gives his ideas.

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)-the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

Light (angle and intensity)- element that makes things visible.

Shadows- A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rats of light and a surface.

Diffusion- a refraction of light or an erratic display of light passing through an element (scattering.)

Exposure- the amount of light allowed to fall on each area of a photograph.

Aperture (f-stop)- the opening that allows light to pass through a lens and reach the camera sensor.

Shutter speed- the length of time the shutter of the camera is open. 

ISO- the sensitivity to light of a cameras sensor.

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