Friday, May 10, 2013

Student of the Month

1. What's your name?
2. What is your gender?
3. How old are you?
4. What is your GPA?
5. What Academy are you in?
6. What did you do to earn this?
7. Were you surprised when you received the award?
8. Did anyone help you in win this achievement?
9. Do you take Pre-Ap classes?
10. Do you do any sports?
11. What are your outside activities?
12. Does this make you feel better about yourself?
13. Does this change anything?
14. Will you celebrate?
15. Who do you think nominated you to be student of the month?
16. Do you think you deserve this award?
17.  If not, then who should've been the student of the month?
18. Do you get privileges that others don't have?
19. Do you get good grades?
20. Do you misbehave?

1. Robert Patrick Gonzales
2. Male
3. 15 year old
4. 3.1
5. AHA
6. Be based
7. Yes
8. No, I'm independent.
9. Yes
10. Basketball
11. More basketball.
12. Yes it does.
13. No
14. Im having a dinner.
15. My teacher
16. Yes i do think so.
17. Nobody, just me.
18. No
19. Sure
20. No

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