Monday, May 6, 2013

1. Mr. Ashlock, Mr. Girard, Lori Moya

1. What's your name?
2. Why are you providing school uniforms?
3. How is that suppose to help the students?
4. Do the students agree with having the school uniforms?
5. Whats wrong with the regular clothes they were daily?
6. Would school uniforms be a problem for parents?
7. What are the consequences of not following this policy?
8. Would there be special shoes to wear as well?
9. Did you have a uniform when you went to school?
10. What should be allowed to wear?
11. What shouldn't be allowed to wear?
12. Is there certain colors students shouldn't be allowed to wear?
13. Would there be a certain type of shirt that they're only allowed to wear?
14. Would there be a certain type of pants that are only allowed to wear?
15. Are students allowed to wear accessories with the uniforms?
16. Plain shirts or Graphic tees?
17. Is this the only school that will be including this policy?
18. Will you provide uniforms for kids unable to afford them?
19. If this doesn't work out, will you revoke the uniforms?
20. When will the policy start?

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