Monday, April 22, 2013

Front pages of the World

  • What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? Times Herald Record because its talking about things that are interesting for me.
  • What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? Local black bear numbers calling because its about animals and i think animals are as important as humans.
  • How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? two.
  • What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc. They have a big picture that will catch the readers attention, some amount of reading with the information needed to fit the picture. 
  • What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc. Different ways they decorate the page layout, different shapes of pictures, big headlines and small headlines, and other information needed.
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