Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lytro Warm up and Fashion

Lytro Warm Up:
1. What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo? You had option to blur out the background on the photo and move the things inside the photo around. 
2. How does this new camera work? It lets you look around the setting and create a photo video
3. What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this kind of photo (remember its a point-and-shoot, so its full manual mode, what do you need to know about)  You would need to know how to work the manuel settings and know the basic rules.
4. Is it worth the money? I think it is because, photos, videos keep memories.

1- They changed the weight on her face, her eyebrows, her eyes, shoulders, neck, hair, makeup, lip, cheekbones, ears, and forehead. 
2- Yes, because a person has to be what a magazine or whatever purpose the picture is explaining.
3- The circumstances of doing this is good and bad because it shows what the picture is trying to explain and show the people what a model is. It can be bad because its not the real person and that person have a real low self esteem since they have to change things up for her to be perfect, everyone should be happy for who they are.
4- I think its okay to put on make up, and fix hair but the face weight, change of shoulders, eyebrows, eyes, lips and all was to much.
5- Fashion photography is to make a picture looks perfect and posing, having everything prepared is a fashion picture. In photojournalism i think its just memories and to catch them, to not plan them or change anything, a little touch would be okay but not as much as a picture for fashion.
6- They all use photoshop to fix or make the picture better.

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