Monday, December 3, 2012

American Soldier

A. I think the most powerful image is where Ian's mom is tearing up (#78)because it just shows how much they miss him and how happy they are to see him.

B. Set #1 At home in Denver- #1 from image to image #7
Set #2 At Basic Training- #7 from image to  image #30
Set #3 In Iraq- #30 from image to image #70
Set #4 Back in Denver- #70 from image to image #83

Which set of images was the most powerful? why? The set of being at home in Denver was the most powerful one for me because he has to say goodbye to his family and its not easy to say goodbye to anyone.

C.  How do the images work together to tell a story? The pictures are in order and they have captions to explain what is going on.

A-  The verbs are in past tense.
B-  The captions enhance the photographs because it gives the details and the background information to what the image doesn't show to the person.

Image #35
Ian and his girlfriend go to the jewelry store to go buy an engagement ring, Karen looks super excited while they wait for a worker to help them out.

Image #41
Ian's foot started hurting Ian, Michael starts helping out Ian unwrapping his foot so he can take a better look at Ian's foot and help him out.

Troops are tired from a busy day of working hard. They take a nap while they wait at the gym.

A-  It explains what is going on more with their thoughts and feelings
B-Videos give you more information than an image by their actions
C- Photos are better because its captured on one idea and it can explain a little.

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