Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Self Portraits 1 and 2


  1. Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment!
  2. Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.
  3. A self-portrait doesn't have to be of your face—the image of two hands holding a camera says a lot about the photographer who shot his own portrait. You can also aim the camera down your body from eye level.
Environmental Portrait-
I like this picture because i like how the camera was set on the guitar to get the guys face. I picked this photo because its a different, the view of it caught my attention.
The reason i picked this photo is because it has a nice background, the up view of the picture is really nice, its different. I like this picture because i like how its simple colors, with a dark red and blue on his shirt and the guitar stands out as well.
Photography Self Portrait-
I like this photo because i like how its in black and white and the way the camera got the shot was perfect. I picked this photo because its a portrait of this guy who seems to be strong and it looks like theirs a story to this picture.
I picked this photo because it stood out to me, it was different from other images. I like this picture because the way the girl put a image on top of her face fit perfectly to her face.
Casual Portrait-
The reason i picked this photo because its a nice picture of a man. I like this picture because his eyes caught my attention.
I picked this photo because the guy is looking at a different direction. I like this photo because its one color.

I want to shoot Robert because i feel comfortable with him to take a picture of him. I want to shoot by a window to get a nice view of outside where i can see the grass and trees or a reflection. I want to put the camera at a nice place so i can get the view i want. When i shoot, i want to have a sort of blurry background so you can sort of see the size and what the background is, so my person can stand out.

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