Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Abandoned Theme Parks

  1. On the first article, i liked the very first amusement park Okpo Land, South Korea because the story was interesting how the girl died. Everything was left how it was last abandoned, which means you can see how the girl was hurt at the amusement park or by what. Pictures taken from there can have a lot of meaning because there is a story behind them. The pictures in the article look interesting as well because the things look creepy since they've rot.
  2. Unusual places: Haunted house, Party, Old movie theaters, Outlet Mall, and Gym.
  3. This picture interest me because it looks like a scary place to go into, I think there had to be more into this picture, a story to this. I don't believe it was just not used anymore, it looks like something happened and something went wrong. I would want to take a closer picture of the stage part where the movie is shown, of the ceiling, the seats, and the exit and enter door. This place as if its haunted and if it is, it would be even more interesting to take pictures of.
  4. I would have to take my equipment especially my camera, i would need money to travel there. i have no idea if people are allowed in this old movie theater anymore, but i heard its really old and dangerous.

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