Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Abandoned Theme Parks

  1. On the first article, i liked the very first amusement park Okpo Land, South Korea because the story was interesting how the girl died. Everything was left how it was last abandoned, which means you can see how the girl was hurt at the amusement park or by what. Pictures taken from there can have a lot of meaning because there is a story behind them. The pictures in the article look interesting as well because the things look creepy since they've rot.
  2. Unusual places: Haunted house, Party, Old movie theaters, Outlet Mall, and Gym.
  3. This picture interest me because it looks like a scary place to go into, I think there had to be more into this picture, a story to this. I don't believe it was just not used anymore, it looks like something happened and something went wrong. I would want to take a closer picture of the stage part where the movie is shown, of the ceiling, the seats, and the exit and enter door. This place as if its haunted and if it is, it would be even more interesting to take pictures of.
  4. I would have to take my equipment especially my camera, i would need money to travel there. i have no idea if people are allowed in this old movie theater anymore, but i heard its really old and dangerous.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Funny Captions

Max is going for a walk down 6th street with Angelica (the owner) dressed up.
Max is dressed up because its cold outside.
Michael went to a party last night and it got a little crazy.
He went for his friends Birthday party.
Bobby bought new shoes at nordstrom because they were in sale.
He bought them to use them for a birthday party he was invited to.

Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? I think he's pictures were a way to say he wants peace in the world.

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time in the assignment Great Black and White Photographers Part 2. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.

I see a ocean and a house, the ocean looks peaceful, the clouds are right above it and it looks as if it rained before or its going to rain. The house looks really big, a big family probably lives there. They seem have a big front and back yard too, it looks like a safe place to live in. 
I smell fish on the ocean picture, i smell dirt and plants on the house picture, the smell of a fresh baked pie coming from the window. 
I hear waves hitting the shore, relaxing waves putting me to sleep. i hear trees and leafs and wind blowing, leafs falling to the grown, sounds from the house. 
I taste a salty kind of taste with a fish taste. I taste dirt and grass because the wind is blowing hard as the dirt and grass comes to my face. I taste the good smell of the baked pie.
I feel dirty, sticky because of the humidity. The ocean was cold. The house feels safe, kind of cold because of the wind. I feel the dirt coming to my face because the wind is that strong.

I want to create a wall of a picture of every worker and student in this cool to express their personality.

Peer Critique


AM did a good job at avoiding mergers because she had two bodies cut out the picture.

RM did a good job at her line picture because she got the desk to be a line with the papers that were on the desk.

RC did a good job on avoiding mergers because it looks like that kid was moving and he's body is cut out the picture.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Academic Shoot

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you? I was trying to see if i could get pictures like people usually don't have but it was kind of hard trying to relate it to school.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. I was focusing on holding the camera, because i think a picture is better where it is at the correct position. For my picture of rule of thirds i concentrated how i was holding my camera because i wanted to get the main thing of my picture at a side and not the middle to follow the rule.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography? I would try to think about how I'm going to take the picture before i do, because most of my pictures didn't come out the way i wanted them to.

4. What things would you do the same? I liked my rule of thirds picture besides that it doesn't really relate to academy. 

5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve? I think the rule of thirds, i feel like i know the rule of thirds more than any other rule.

6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture? I think Avoiding Mergers, i don't really understand that rule.

7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is? Avoiding Mergers. I can look at more pictures that avoid mergers, and shoot some myself so i can understand the rule better.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Academic shoot

Rule of thirds: 
1. How well did you follow the rule? I felt like i knew this rule well enough.
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is someone looking out of a school window.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? I feel like it is.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? This picture should just be like in a class room or something more related to school.

1. How well did you follow the rule? I thought it was a good picture because the trees are the ones giving it a equal balance
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is trees on both sides.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? Probably not.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? I could've got two students in both sides right and left so it could demonstrate balance.
Avoiding Mergers:
1. How well did you follow the rule? not very much.
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is that the student is tired and has his head down.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? I think it is.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? I should've got a lonelier background or that desk to not be aside of him.

1. How well did you follow the rule? not very well, i tried getting a blank background but this was the best i could do.
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)? The class is learning and a student is tired or thinking.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? No idea.
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? i could've got one student standing in plain wall.
1. How well did you follow the rule? The rule was easy, i understood it well.
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is that the students are having a conversations on their rows.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? i think it is, because the line is straight down the picture
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?

1. How well did you follow the rule? I don't know if i did it right, because i couldn't get a good picture to find something that will frame the main idea.
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)? The subject is the girl who is doing her work in class with a plain background that gives a frame
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is? I think so
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently? 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Africa and Mural Project

A lot of this pictures were really good,  even by just the background. The focus on the pictures were good.

Its my favorite picture because the background isn't distracting, the elephant is in the center.

a.     What kind of camera did he use? Pentax 67.
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?  animals simply in the state of being before they're gone since humans don't seem to take care of animals like they should be.
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos? For people to notice that animals are humans too, they deserve to be alive.
d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog 
 “It was so moving. I felt like I was watching these incredible creatures move across a landscape before man was around,”

1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school? A theme we could use is friendship, the love we have around our school or like school spirit.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones? we should do regular cameras, because certain phones don't take we'll pictures.
i t
3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus? I think the best place would be in the cafeteria

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Post Shoot Reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 3 prompts (Red, Metal, Happy) I tried to take a picture of something unique who someone else didn't have. 

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. The aspect i found myself using the most was focus. I was trying to focus on the main object in my picture.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography? I would try to put the rules in my picture.

4. What things would you do the same? The focus i used for the picture.

5. Finally - go back and edit your blogs with the 3 photos (red, metal, happy), tell me what rules of composition (which you just learned about) did you end up actually achieving? Did you have any? On the red and metal i feel like i got the rule of thirds. 

6. Are you interested in shooting those prompts again, why? I am, I like taking pictures in general.