Friday, January 25, 2013

Choice Sheet

 I want to be in Yearbook for next year because i enjoy taking pictures. I want to learn how to use the camera correctly without any help. I think its fun to take pictures because taking pictures isn't just a picture, it means more than that. A picture is a memory or art. I want to finish this class to get a cord for graduation just because i think that the more cords, the better. It'll make me feel good about myself and remind me that i accomplished something important that i can make a career out of. I learn in this class and i have fun.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Caption Practice/Vocabulary

Caption #1

Who: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

What: embraces

Where: the tarmac of the Davenport Iowa Airport

When: August 15, 2012 (Wednesday)

Why: the Obamas have not seen each other in three weeks

How: warmly, passionately

Background: After seeing Michelle, President Obama tripped on the tarmac and slammed on the ground hitting his head. He was flown to the closest hospital for treatment.

Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama passionately embrace on the tarmac of the Davenport Iowa Airport on Wednesday.

Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) The Obamas had not seen each other for three weeks while the president campaigned across the country.

Caption Header: Warm embrace after long campaign

Caption #2

Who: Psy, south Korean singer 

What: sings, performs, hovers

Where: arena, stadium, in central Seoul, South Korea

When: October 2, 2012 (Tuesday)

Why: to entertain his fans 

How: energetically, impressively 

Background: Psy's song "Gangam Style" has become an international hit that has earned more than a billion hits on YouTube. The video features a horse riding dance, a  cowboy hat wearing dancer in an elevator and a dance off with a guy in a yellow suit. 

Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) South Korean pop singer Psy sings energetically in a arena in central Seoul, South Korea on Tuesday to entertain his fans.

Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) Psy's international hit song "Gangnam Style" has earned more than a billion hits on YouTube.

Caption Header: Psy performing his hit song.

Caption #3

Who: Mitt Romney

What: competing against Obama

Where: Van Dyck in Fairfax, Virginia  

When: September 13, 2012

Why: election

How: giving speeches

Background: Mitt Romney gives speech about how he could change the world and be a better president.

Sentence #1: Verb (Present Tense) Mitt Romney gives people a speech how he can make change things people don't like.

Sentence #2:Verb? (Past Tense) Thinks what he's going to say to sound better than Obama.

Caption Header: Mitt Romney gives his ideas.

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)-the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

Light (angle and intensity)- element that makes things visible.

Shadows- A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rats of light and a surface.

Diffusion- a refraction of light or an erratic display of light passing through an element (scattering.)

Exposure- the amount of light allowed to fall on each area of a photograph.

Aperture (f-stop)- the opening that allows light to pass through a lens and reach the camera sensor.

Shutter speed- the length of time the shutter of the camera is open. 

ISO- the sensitivity to light of a cameras sensor.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 in Review

I thought this looked pretty cool because at the deep end its dark, and the snow looks cool.

I like this picture because its inspiring. I think it just means to never give up even on hard situations.

 I have never seen a snow flake actually be that shape and that is why its my favorite.
What was the best song of 2012?
I think the best song of 2012 is We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift. I'm like in love with Taylor Swift, i like every single thing of hers so i had to choose this as my favorite. I understand Taylor what she means by this song. This song is really catchy, its not a sad sort of song, it makes you want to dance.
 What was the best movie of 2012?
I think Breaking Dawn Part 2 was the best movie. It was exciting to watch it because everything is sort of like a twist. I couldn't wait to watch it when it came out in the theaters that i went to the midnight release. No i can't wait for the movie come out in DVD.

What was the most important news story of 2012?
I think the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. was important because many are suffering from their children's deaths. Its important because people should do something about strangers going into school with weapons or do something to be more protective for the children.

Who was the most important person of 2012?
I think Rihanna could be one of the most important persons of 2012 because she got a lot of hits on her new songs and albums. She's starting to be known more and thats important for her because she's living her dream.

What was the biggest entertainment of 2012?
The biggest entertainment for me was when Taylor Swift released her Red Tour dates. It was entertaining because i wanted to know when she was coming to Austin, TX. I want to go to one of her concerts because i love Taylor Swift.

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
 I went to california and it was a lot of fun driving around to see new places.
2. What are your resolutions for the 2013 year?
Work out, and be positive.
3. What are you looking forward to in 2013?
Taylor Swift Concert!