Friday, September 28, 2012

Avoiding Merges

Avoiding Merge:

In this picture it shows "avoiding merges" because the guy is the attention in this picture, the background is plain. There's nothing else that catches someone eye besides this guy.

Merge: In this picture the body is cut off on the bottom which i think is a way that this picture was merge. The bodies should be complete in the pictures to avoid merges.


I think this is a good example of framing because the buildings are on one side and the trees are on the other side. Which i thought was a good way to frame a picture so you can focus whats in the picture and not out the picture.


I chose this picture for balance because i think the buildings were in the correct place. The buildings are on the right and the left so if you imagined it on a scale, it would be even. 


I think this was a good example of lines because its a leading line to provide a way into the picture. An easy, straight line for someone to follow the idea of this picture.

The Rule of Thirds

In this photo the guy is on the side which i think is good for the rule of thirds because the human eye seems to catch things that are not in the middle. You want people to notice the things that seem important and humans seem to look outside of the middle first.


I thought this was a good example of simplicity because simplicity should be something that catches that persons eye. There shouldn't be so many other things in just one picture, one thing is important in one picture so this pictures importance is how one of the towers was damaged.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Unusual and Interesting Photos

1. What is your reaction to his work? His pictures are pretty cool
2. How do you think he made these photos? I think he edit them by taking pictures in different angles then put them together but he sort of made them fade.
3 Think about some buildings you have seen, which ones would be good to take a photo like this? Tell me about those buildings, where are they, could you get easy access to them? I think the Eiffel tower would be a really good building, a lot of people think the Eiffel tower is one of the most beautiful things in the world. The Eiffel tower is located in Paris.


1. Why did you pick this photo? i think this is very creative and smart picture
2. What category did you find this photo? i found it on Photojournalist of the Year (smaller markets)
3. What award did it win (what place)? 1st place
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) he put the little kids face from the book to look like if it was the kid that was reading the book.
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? a lot if it won 1st place
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? he had to think really creatively because it was a smart idea to use the face of the book for the kid who's reading the book. 

1. Why did you pick this photo? its a great action picture
2. What category did you find this photo? Sports Action
3. What award did it win (what place)? HM, 5th place
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) the way the water looks
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? not very much.
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? she had to do this underwater
1. Why did you pick this photo? i think its a good portrait, it has details.
2. What category did you find this photo? News Portrait and Personality
3. What award did it win (what place)? 2nd place
4. What did the photographer do that attracted your eye? (I am not talking about the subject, but what the photographer did) i like the way the light looks behind her with her smile.
5. How much do you think the subject of the photo weighed in the judges minds when they picked this photo as one of the best of 2012? not as much but she did win 2nd place
6. What do you think the photographer had to do that was unique to getting this photo? The unique thing about this picture its that its not showing the ladies whole face and its just her smile.

4. Did the photographer follow the suggestions fully? i think the photographer did because they got the details and all from the reflection
5. Which style of painting do you think might influence you? The reflection kind of photos.

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The article is about photographers that were caught editing their pictures. It tells stories about how different kind of photographers were either framed or edited their pictures and had bad consequences after people figured out they weren't all naturally real pictures. 

I think this sort of photo editing is not acceptable because i believe that people want to see pictures that are real and are not just an exaggeration from a picture or anything like that. I think its cool to edit pictures that can look realistic but not for like public magazines or newspapers.

i think this picture was the most unethical because its the same person without teeth in one picture and with picture in the other. They were trying to make the tittle more believable with help from the picture in my opinion. I don't see why they have to edit the picture...why don't they just use somebody who has those characteristics. 

I think this picture was the least unethical picture because maybe Oprah wanted to have the other girls body with her head. 

National Geographic Warm-Up

It's my favorite picture because i like cheetah's and it looks cool how the cheetah is about to jump. Its a really good action picture. The pictures i usually see of cheetahs are like of them running, its never of them on a tree were they're about to jump. I would submit it to nature or action photo contest.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay? I think that it can be a fun project to mess with and fun to take pictures as well.

2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger? I would approve, i wouldn't mind because i don't think its a very big deal.

3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
 A fun photo shoot similar to this one that i would go to and shoot would be like a dress up picture.

4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, are the photos good? Do you like looking at them? i liked the last one, it was silly. The rest of the photos, it looks like people didn't know each other and were being sort of awkward. 

40 Greatest Photos Taken

I picked this photo because I think it's adorable, i can tell that the mom has missed her daughter. You can tell that right when they saw each other they ran to hug each other.

I picked this photo because i think it's cute how the dog is just right next to the dead person. As if it doesn't want to be separated. 

This photo is my favorite that i picked because it shows that the girl really loved or adored her cousin. You can tell she will miss him, she wasn't ready to say goodbye. 

40 Greatest Photos Ever




Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Great Black and White Photographers PART 2


Minor White is a American photographer who was born in July 9, 1908 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He had earned a degree in botany with a minor in English from the University of Minnesota in 1933. He joined the Oregon Camera Club then he started taking on assignments from the Works Progress Administration and attending to the Portland Art Museum. Minor White moved to New York in 1945, he spent two years studying aesthetic and art history at Colombia University. He hanged out with other great photographers. Whites pictures were most of barns, doorways, water, the sky, or simple paint peeling on a wall. He was influenced by Ralph Eugene Meatyard.In 1953 he moved to Rochester, New York and also edited their magazine Image. He taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology from 1956 to 1964. Minor White spent the last ten years of his life teaching at MIT. In 1970 he was given a Guggenheim Fellowship. White was a closeted bisexual man, several of his photographs of male nudes are considered to be the masterworks of the genre but were only published in 1989. Minor White passed away on June 24, 1976. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Photos- Best and Worst

I think this was my worst picture because its at a weird angle. I feel like she should have been in the middle of the picture and she's sort of more in one side. it should of been a closer picture.

I think this was my best picture i took because she's in the center. I don't have much of the background this time or the floor. The picture looks like the camera was more focused on her than anything behind her or on the side of her.

The Camera

4 important vocabulary words: 
  • Images- A representation of the external form of a person or thing in sculpture, painting, etc.
  • Visible spectrum- The distribution of colors produced when light is dispersed by a prism.
  • Electromagnetic spectrum- The range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends.
  • Lens- A piece of glass or other transparent substance with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light rays.

  • Aperture- An opening, hole, or gap.
  • Shutter- A device in the camera
  • Exposure- The state of being exposed to contact with something.
  • Depth of field- The distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.
  • F-stop- In optics, the f-number of an optical system expresses the...
  • Focal length- The distance between the center of a lens or curved mirror and its focus.

Top of Camera:
  1. Flash release- right side of the top panel
  2. Set- on the rear panel
  3. Mode dial
  4. Power switch
  5. Main dial
  6. Shutter release button. 

Back Side of camera:
  1. Menu/Display-  left side of the viewfinder 
  2. Aperture button
  3. Live view shooting button
  4. Movie shooting button
  5. Quick control button
  6. Direct print button
  7. Setting button
  8.  Cross keys
  9. ISO speed setting button
  10. White balance selection button
  11. Drive mode selection button
  12. AF mode selection button
  13. AE Lock button
  14. FE lock button
  15. Index button
  16. Reduce button
  17. AF point selection button
  18. Magnify button
  19. Playback button

Great Black and White Photographers

Bill Brandt
Minor White
 W. Eugene Smith

Monday, September 10, 2012

Camera History

The Camera

1. Explain the “camera obscura” effect. How is it achieved? In a dark room, a tiny hole is made in the wall, the light is focused on the hole and the outside scene is projected on the opposite wall.

2. What invention during the 17th Century helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera? Understanding of optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses.

3. What were the parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce? A glass lens, a dark box and a film.

4.What do modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce’s camera? Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film.

5. What do digital cameras use to capture an image? An electronic sensor called a CCD
Camera Modes

6. What is the difference between the Auto Mode and the Program mode? Auto Mode will concentrate on getting the shot instead of exposure calculations.

7. What is the Portrait mode used for? How does it work? To try to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting.

8. What is the Sports mode used for? (not just sports) How does it work? To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible. 
The Half Press 

9. Why should you do a half press on the trigger button? The camera will try to lock focus on the subject and the camera will respond quicker from a half-press.
Controlling Flash

10. What does this symbol mean?  No flash.

 When would you use this? When you don't need the flash and use the natural light instead.

11.What does this symbol mean? Auto flash is enabled by default.

When would you use this? The camera will use the flash if it thinks it needs more light.
Introduction to Exposure

12. What happens to your photo if there is too much light? Picture will be washed out.

13. What happens to your photo if there is not enough light? Picture will be to dark.

The Universal stop

14. What is a “stop.” Represent a relative change in the brightness of light.

15. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are two sons instead of one? 1 stop

16. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are four sons instead of two? (Hint: the “show answer” feature is wrong). 3 stops?
Shutters and Aperture

17. What affect does a longer shutter speed of have? More light.

18. What affect does a shorter shutter speed have? Less light.

19. What does the aperture control? Can control the aperture by setting the F-stop.

20. When adjusting the aperture, how can you increase the amount of light? By closing up to restrict light, and opening up to let it through.